NiQin shared an aphorism: 要成为赢家,诀窍就在于了解自己什么时候是输家。 -- 电影《转轮手枪》
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Programming Languages The Cargo Book No.6333f9194cf3e9b0651d373b Sticky

NiQin updated at 2022-09-28 15:34:49+08:00

Hits: 121497

Keys/tags: rust cargo cargo-book cargo-手册

Cargo is the [Rust](https://rust-lang.niqin.com/en-us)'s *[package manager](https://cargo-book.niqin.com/en-us/appendix/glossary.html#package-manager '"package manager" (glossary entry)')*. Cargo downloads your Rust [package](https://cargo-book.niqin.com/en-us/appendix/glossary.html#package '"package" (glossary entry)')’s dependencies, compiles your packages, makes distributable packages, and uploads them to [crates.io](https://crates.io/), the Rust community’s *[package registry](https://cargo-book.niqin.com/en-us/appendix/glossary.html#package-registry '"package registry" (glossary entry)')*. A book on Rust’s package manager and build system.