NiQin shared an aphorism: I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. -- 《圣经》
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Web The Hitchhiker's Guide to Rust Web No.633e770a1f92fec312176c4f Sticky Recommended

NiQin updated at 2022-10-06 14:34:50+08:00

Hits: 62025

Keys/tags: rust rust-web rust-web-guide rust-web-零散

##### The Hitchhiker's Guide to Rust Web 目前,仅是个人 Rust Web 开发中的一些记录。 涵盖:Rust Web 生态中的 Tide、actix-web、Yew、async-graphql、surf、handlebars-rust、rhai、jsonwebtoken,以及 mongodb 等。 完整的内容,还在进一步规划和整理之中。 学以聚之,问以辩之。终日乾乾,与时偕行。

Web Async-graphql Book (GraphQL server for Rust) No.63356a717093ceeeec072e88

NiQin updated at 2022-09-29 17:50:41+08:00

Hits: 81927

Keys/tags: rust graphql-rust graphql-server graphql-服务器 async-graphql-book async-graphql-手册

Async-graphql is a GraphQL server-side library implemented in Rust. It is fully compatible with the GraphQL specification and most of its extensions, and offers type safety and high performance. You can define a Schema in Rust and procedural macros will automatically generate code for a GraphQL query. This library does not extend Rust’s syntax, which means that Rustfmt can be used normally. I value this highly and it is one of the reasons why I developed Async-graphql.

Web Juniper Book (GraphQL server for Rust) No.633565827093ceeeec072e80

NiQin updated at 2022-09-29 17:29:38+08:00

Hits: 57579

Keys/tags: rust graphql-rust graphql-server graphql-服务器 juniper-book juniper-手册

Juniper is a GraphQL server library for Rust. Build type-safe and fast API servers with minimal boilerplate and configuration. GraphQL is a data query language developed by Facebook intended to serve mobile and web application frontends. Juniper makes it possible to write GraphQL servers in Rust that are type-safe and blazingly fast. We also try to make declaring and resolving GraphQL schemas as convenient as possible as Rust will allow. Juniper does not include a web server - instead it provides building blocks to make integration with existing servers straightforward. It optionally provides a pre-built integration for the Hyper, Iron, Rocket, and Warp frameworks, including embedded Graphiql for easy debugging. #### Features Juniper supports the full GraphQL query language according to the specification (October 2021), including interfaces, unions, schema introspection, and validations. It does not, however, support the schema language. As an exception to other GraphQL libraries for other languages, Juniper builds non-null types by default. A field of type Vec\<Episode\> will be converted into \[Episode!\]!. The corresponding Rust type for e.g. \[Episode\] would be Option\<Vec\<Option\<Episode\>\>\>.

Web Tide book No.62e28db6bfb6201b26c9d42a Sticky

NiQin updated at 2022-07-28 21:23:02+08:00

Hits: 63789

Keys/tags: rust rust-web tide web-framework

Tide is a minimal and pragmatic Rust web application framework built for rapid development. It comes with a robust set of features that make building async web applications and APIs easier and more fun. This Tide-book is still a work in progress, and will be expanded on over time. All examples in the text are available as [working Tide-projects](https://github.com/http-rs/tide-book/tree/main/examples) Example applications: - [tide-async-graphql-mongodb](https://github.com/zzy/tide-async-graphql-mongodb) - Clean boilerplate for graphql services using tide, rhai, async-graphql, surf, graphql-client, handlebars-rust, jsonwebtoken, and mongodb. - Graphql Services: User register, Salt and hash a password with PBKDF2 , Sign in, JSON web token authentication, Change password, Profile Update, User's query & mutation, and Project's query & mutation. - Web Application: Client request, bring & parse GraphQL data, Render data to template engine(handlebars-rust), Define custom helper with Rhai scripting language. - [surfer](https://github.com/zzy/surfer) - The Blog built on Tide stack, generated from [tide-async-graphql-mongodb](https://github.com/zzy/tide-async-graphql-mongodb). - Backend for graphql services using tide, async-graphql, jsonwebtoken, mongodb and so on. - Frontend for web application using tide, rhai, surf, graphql_client, handlebars-rust, cookie and so on.